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Managing High blood pressure: Drink that ‘significantly’ lowers the effects on hypertension

Managing High Blood Pressure

One inevitable cause of high blood pressure is ageing, which leads to the stiffening of arteries.

Graham MacGregor, a professor of cardiovascular medicine at the Wolfson Institute of Preventive Medicine in London, told The Times: “Generally, if you don’t have raised blood pressure now, you will have in your 70s or 80s.

managing high blood pressure

“As a rule, in 20-year-olds, the prevalence is 20 percent, in 40-year-olds, it’s 40 percent and in 80-year-olds, it’s 80 percent.”

The NHS says that high blood pressure is considered to be 140/90mmHg or higher.

The top number refers to systolic pressure, which denotes the force at which the heart pumps blood around the body.

Managing High Blood Pressure

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