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How To Obtain TRCN in 2023

Do you intend to obtain TRCN in 2023? This article was composed for you.

What Is TRCN

The Teachers Registration Council of Nigeria (TRCN) is a professional regulatory body for teachers in Nigeria. Its main function is to regulate and oversee the teaching profession in Nigeria, including setting standards for teacher education, registering qualified teachers, and enforcing ethical conduct among teachers.

The TRCN also works to promote the professional development of teachers and to improve the quality of teaching in Nigeria. The council is responsible for issuing teaching licenses to qualified teachers, and for maintaining a register of registered teachers in Nigeria. It is governed by a council of educators and other stakeholders, and is funded by the Nigerian government.

History Of TRCN

The Teachers Registration Council of Nigeria (TRCN) was established by the Federal Government of Nigeria in 1993 through the Teachers Registration Council of Nigeria Act (Act No. 6 of 1993). The main purpose of the TRCN is to regulate and oversee the teaching profession in Nigeria, with the goal of improving the quality of education in the country.

Before the establishment of the TRCN, there was no formal regulatory body for teachers in Nigeria. This meant that anyone could call themselves a teacher, regardless of their qualifications or training. The TRCN was established in order to address this problem, and to ensure that only qualified and competent individuals were allowed to teach in Nigeria.

Since its establishment, the TRCN has played a significant role in improving the teaching profession in Nigeria. It has set standards for teacher education, registered qualified teachers, and enforced ethical conduct among teachers. The TRCN has also worked to promote the professional development of teachers, and to improve the quality of teaching in Nigeria.

How To Become TRCN Certified

To become a registered teacher in Nigeria, you must meet certain requirements set by the Teachers Registration Council of Nigeria (TRCN). These requirements are designed to ensure that only qualified and competent individuals are allowed to teach in Nigeria.

Here are the steps you must take to become a registered teacher in Nigeria:

  1. Earn a bachelor's degree in education or a related field from a recognized university.
  2. Complete a teacher training program, such as the National Certificate in Education (NCE) or the Higher National Diploma in Education (HNDE).
  3. Pass the Teacher Registration Council of Nigeria Professional Qualifying Examination (PQE). This is a standardized test that assesses your knowledge and skills as a teacher.
  4. Submit an application for registration to the TRCN, along with all required documentation, such as transcripts and proof of your teacher training.
  5. Once your application is approved, you will be issued a teaching license by the TRCN, which allows you to teach in Nigeria.

It is important to note that the TRCN may also require you to complete ongoing professional development in order to maintain your teaching license. This could include taking additional courses or training programs, or participating in professional development workshops or seminars.

TRCN Professional Qualifying Examination
obtain trcn in 2023

Teachers writing their PQE

Teachers seeking to enroll for the Professional Qualifying Examination (PQE), are to complete the registration forms obtainable from State offices nationwide. Completed registration forms must be returned with evidence of payment of examination fees payable according to categories thus;

  • Category A (Ph.D holders in Education) N5,000
  • Category B (Masters in Education) N4,000
  • Category C (Bachelor's in Education or other fields) N3,500
  • Category D (NCE) N3,000

Click here to learn how to pay for TRCN PQE here

The date for the 2023 PQE batches will be announced soon.

Successful candidates in the PQE can proceed to their state offices to process their certificates. Click here to see the official TRCN state offices in Nigeria

Cost Of Registration and (Annual Dues)
  • Category A  ---------N10000 (N5,000)
  • Category B ----------N8000 (4,000)
  • Category C ----------N6000 (3,000)
  • Category D ----------N3000 (2,000)

Cost Of License and Letter Of Professional Standing
  • License --------- N9,000
  • Letter of Professional Standing --------- N60,000

Have you completed your PQE and want to obtain your Certificate and/or License? Make payment through Remita, visit your state office with a copy of your receipt to start the process.

Letter Of Professional Standing

A letter of professional standing is a document that verifies an individual's professional qualifications and standing in their field of work. It is often requested by employers or professional organizations as part of the hiring or membership application process, or when an individual is seeking to renew their professional license or certification.

The importance of a letter of professional standing lies in the fact that it provides confirmation of an individual's professional credentials and experience. It serves as a reference for an individual's professional qualifications and can help to establish their credibility and reputation in their field. It can also help to demonstrate an individual's commitment to their profession and their dedication to maintaining high standards of professional conduct. Its also key if a teacher wants to teach in another country. For example, you will need this document if you intend to teach in United Kingdom or Canada.

Do you need to obtain a letter of Professional Standing? Start by sending a mail to

Visit TRCN website here

How to obtain TRCN in 2023 by Educator Hub

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2 thoughts on “How To Obtain TRCN in 2023

  1. Olokodana Adeife Valentino

    Can a BSc. Major obtain a TRCN without an educational background like PDGE


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